Beachum And Lee Ford, Inc.

Sep 18, 2022
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Your Ford won’t run if the transmission stops working, after which the only solution is an expensive replacement. But before it gets to that, you can get a transmission repair from your Ford dealer. Here’s how to tell if your Ford’s transmission needs servicing.

Does Your Ford Need Transmission Repair? 7 Indicators It’s Time To Visit Your Ford Dealer

1. Unusual Noises When You Accelerate

Do you frequently hear whistling, whirring, or squeaking sounds when accelerating? It’s one of the first indications there’s a problem with your transmission system. It signifies your vehicle needs transmission fluid.

2. Engine Light Comes on While You Drive

Often, most transmission issues are evidenced by problems with the check engine light. If the light starts up while you drive and stays on, it’s a sign that your transmission fluid is leaking.

The remedy is to flush out the fluid and replace it, although sometimes it can indicate more serious issues requiring a transmission rebuild.

3. Difficulty Shifting Gears

If you’re having a hard time shifting gears, it’s a sign your car is low on transmission fluid. It could also be that during your last service check, they used the wrong type of fluid.

You need a transmission rebuild. Otherwise, you risk damaging your transmission system and having to replace it.

4. Odd Smell

Another sign your car is low on transmission fluid is the fluid smelling funny. You may also notice the fluid is dark in color. When that happens, the car requires transmission servicing.

5. Car Stutters When You Step on the Gas or Brakes

If it’s hard for your car to shift gears due to issues with your transmission, it can also cause problems when you hit the brakes or accelerate. You’ll notice your car stutters upon accelerating or braking.

The solution is to get your transmission checked. Only get it done soon before the system gets damaged and instead of transmission service or rebuild, you must get a new one.

6. Smell of Burnt Gasoline or Oil

If you detect the smell of gasoline or burnt oil every time you warm up your engine or start to drive, it could be that your transmission system is heating up or oil and fluid are leaking. Either way, you risk wearing out your transmission system, so you need to schedule a transmission service.

7. Erratic Shifting of the Gear

You may notice your car changing gears when you least expect it. This is probably the most dangerous of all the signs that your Ford’s transmission needs repair.  

While there are several reasons for erratic gear shifts, a transmission issue is one of them so it’s important to schedule a service and rebuild soon to resume driving safely.

Transmission issues can be frustrating, even dangerous, and require immediate attention. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, schedule a service check with us at Beachum And Lee Ford.